Unexpected Plumbing Issues You Never Saw Coming

5 Unexpected Plumbing Issues You Never Saw Coming

Here at BL3 Inc, our team of trained and experienced plumbing professionals has seen it all.

And we mean all.

From the everyday clogged pipes to the more unorthodox plumbing problems, we’ve been there and done that. And most Oklahoma homeowners are shocked to learn that many of the plumbing issues they experience in their homes weren’t even on their radar before they happened.

The good news is that you have a team of professionals on your side to help you repair and restore your plumbing system. At a moment's notice, one of our certified technicians can help you address a wide variety of unanticipated plumbing issues.

But what exactly should you watch out for? To help you know what to look for, we’ve compiled a list of five unexpected plumbing issues you never saw coming:

1. "Help! It's a Flood!": Overflowing Toilets (Or Lack Thereof!)

Ahh, the overflowing toilet. Whether you've had a toddler shove a toy down the bowl or have an old, clogged-up toilet, this is one plumbing problem that always surprises everyone. Toilets may seem complicated, but they’re pretty ingenious pieces of technology and can generally be repaired with simple plumbing tools. Most toilet clogs happen for a few reasons:

  • The wax ring is broken: The wax ring is the seal between your toilet and the flange. When it becomes broken or worn out, it can cause a clog or overflow situation.

  • The fill valve needs adjustment: A faulty fill valve can prevent water from filling in the bowl after it’s been flushed, leading to an overflow situation. If the fill valve is not set correctly, then this can be an issue.

  • The pipe is clogged: If a clog has occurred in the pipes, this can cause your toilet to overflow. This could occur within the pipes or within the bowl itself, so it’s important to inspect both areas. Sometimes, deeper clogs in your plumbing system can cause a toilet to overflow or back up as well.

How To Handle An Unruly Toilet

If your toilet doesn't flush – or won't stop flushing – it can be an incredibly frustrating experience. But don't worry; there are a few things you can do to try and fix the situation before calling in a professional.

  1. First, if you suspect something is physically blocking the toilet (i.e., a toy or a wad of paper), you should attempt to remove whatever is causing the blockage by hand.

  2. You should also clear any clogs in your pipes if they’re within reach. If not, you may need to call in a professional plumber who can snake out the clog with specialized equipment.

  3. If all else fails, check the fill valve to make sure it’s correctly adjusted. If it needs to be changed, you can turn the knob until the water stops running.

If you aren't sure what to do, give us a call! We'll come out in a jiffy and make sure everything starts flowing again. We can even help you install a new toilet if the old one is beyond repair.

2. "From Slick to Thick": Getting Greasy With It

We all love our favorite greasy meals. (Pancakes and bacon, anyone?) But unfortunately, grease can be a major culprit in the plumbing world. Grease is one of those substances that just doesn’t mix with water – and it can quickly cause clogs in your drains if you aren’t careful.

To avoid this issue, we recommend that homeowners either avoid pouring grease down their drains completely or, if that isn’t an option, pour hot water down the drain afterward to help break up any stuck-on grease.

How To Deal With a Greasy Situation

If you’re already dealing with a clog caused by grease, then the first thing you should do is to try and remove any visible evidence of the clog. This can be done using a plunger or an auger.

If that doesn’t work, then it’s time to call in a professional. Our technicians can use specialized equipment to snake out the clog and get your drain flowing again in no time!

3. "It's Alive!": Dealing With Unwanted Guests in Your Pipes

Uninvited guests aren’t just an issue for homeowners – they can also be a problem for your pipes too. If left unchecked, unwanted pests like rats, tree roots, and other debris can quickly cause clogs in your plumbing.

Here in Oklahoma, we see our fair share of pests trying to make their way into our homes and our pipes. To prevent this, we recommend that homeowners take some proactive measures, such as using heavy-duty sewer traps, keeping trees away from their home’s foundation, and checking for any potential holes or cracks in their walls or foundations.

Of course, it’s also essential to get your plumbing inspected on a regular basis and to call in a professional if you suspect that there is an issue.

How To Evict Those Unwelcome Pipe Pests

If you’re already dealing with pests or debris in your pipes, then the first thing you should do is shut off the water supply. This will prevent any further damage from occurring.

From there, you’ll want to call a professional plumber who can use specialized equipment to snake out the clog and recharge your pipes. They may also recommend preventive measures that you can take to help avoid this issue in the future.

4. "I'm Going Crazy!": Drips and Leaks

Have you ever laid in bed at night and listened to the sound of a dripping faucet? Or maybe you’ve noticed a puddle forming on the floor beneath your sink. These are just two signs that you may have a plumbing issue on your hands – and if it’s not taken care of quickly, it can cause major damage (and headaches) down the line.

The good news is that a professional plumber can fix most of these issues quickly and easily. Whether it’s replacing a broken washer, tightening up loose bolts, or something more complicated, our technicians are here to help!

How To Find Peace and (Drip-Free) Quiet

Sometimes a drip can be handled with a simple repair or by replacing the part that’s causing it. But when you have a leak, it’s important to call a professional who can take a look and determine how best to address the issue so it never happens again.

Our technicians will be able to pinpoint the source of the issue, whether it’s a crack in the pipe, a faulty valve, or something else. From there, they can get to work on repairing or replacing the part and getting your plumbing back in working order. It won't take long to find peace and quiet in your home again!

5. "What's That Smell?" Mold and Water Damage

We’ve all experienced that musty, mildewy smell that can come from our plumbing fixtures. But did you know that it could be more than just a foul odor? It might also be an indication of a more significant issue – like water damage or mold growth in your home.

Unfortunately, these issues can be challenging to diagnose and repair on your own. That’s why it’s crucial to call in a professional plumber who can assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

Ignoring a musty or mildewy smell can quickly lead to expensive repairs and even health issues. In some cases, mold spores can cause allergies or asthma attacks in those who are sensitive. And at worst, you may find yourself dealing with a full-blown infestation that could require specialized services to eliminate.

How To Keep The Fungus Away

The best way to avoid water damage and mold growth is to have your plumbing inspected on a regular basis. This will help you identify any potential issues and take action quickly to protect your home and your health.

It’s also important to take steps such as checking for leaks and ensuring that all the fixtures are functioning correctly. If you see any signs of water damage or mold, then it’s best to call in a professional right away. The sooner you get the issue addressed, the better off you’ll be.

Big or Small, Call BL3 for Your Oklahoma Plumbing Needs!

Oklahoma homeowners deserve the best when it comes to their plumbing concerns. That's why BL3 Plumbing is proud to provide comprehensive services for all your home plumbing needs. From clogs and leaks to mold and water damage, our team has the experience and expertise to get your pipes flowing again quickly and efficiently.

And we do more than emergencies! We offer preventative services that can help you avoid costly repairs in the future. So why wait? Get your home's plumbing back on track today with BL3 Inc.! Contact us today for more information or to set up an appointment. Our friendly and knowledgeable technicians are here to help.

Don't deal with those plumbing issues alone – call the BL3 team today!

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