Don't Wait Until Spring to Handle Your Plumbing Needs

Don't Wait Until Spring to Handle Your Plumbing Needs .jpg

It may be hard to hear, but the fall season is steadily approaching. The summer has come and gone. As the Oklahoma sun begins to set a bit sooner, homeowners are starting to look toward what the end of the year has in store.

The turning of the calendar means cooler weather, shorter days, and of course – the dreaded switch from A/C to the heater! Homes in Oklahoma can be hit hard by the switch since it's not uncommon for heating bills to increase up to 20% or more during the winter months.

Many OKC homeowners plan to hire a plumber to come out and help them prepare for the fall and winter, but life often gets in the way.

With kids heading back to school and business's Q4 deadlines approaching, it's easy to let time pass by and forget about the necessities that are coming up. This is why scheduling a plumbing inspection now will not only be beneficial for your home; it’ll keep you from being stressed out later.

At BL3 Plumbing, we’re the busiest during the fall and winter months. Why? Simply put, many Oklahoma homeowners are making emergency calls to our team to help them with various issues: burst pipes, frozen water lines, clogged drains, and more.

These last-minute fixes add up to big-time costs, which nobody wants to deal with with the holidays just around the corner. What if you could avoid the crisis in the winter with a headstart on your plumbing needs? Here are just a few of the ways you can plan ahead in the early fall to enjoy more fun in the winter and spring!

6 Tips for Upgrading and Protecting Your Home This Fall

Don't risk waiting until the spring to find and fix plumbing problems! Schedule a call with BL3 to come out and evaluate your home, note any necessary repairs, and plan for the future.

We've got six tips that’ll help you plan ahead, upgrade and protect your home this fall. You’ll also save money for the fun things you'd rather spend your hard-earned cash on!

1. Switch from Gas to Electric Water Heater

If you're considering an upgrade or want to protect your home against future damage, switching from gas to electric is the intelligent choice. It's one of the most cost-efficient improvements that a homeowner can make when looking for peace of mind and protection against injury.

Switching your water heater could save you on the cost of utilities and could even lower your monthly heating bill.

2. Schedule Proactive Plumbing Inspections and Repairs

We often only receive phone calls from our Oklahoma neighbors when it's a crisis. What if you could avoid the stress of a burst or frozen pipe by having your plumbing inspected and serviced now?

A proactive approach to your home's plumbing is advantageous when you have issues or need upgrades in the following areas:

Kitchen Sinks: Like any faucet on the property, the kitchen area can be prone to leaks that go undetected. If you're considering new faucets or replacing a sink, now is the time to do it! A plumber can also point out any leaky pipes or recommend better ways to use water.

Toilets and Showers/Bathtubs: While these areas are less likely to "burst" overnight, problems can be detected sooner if they're regularly inspected. If you're planning to remodel your bathroom in the near future, wait until after you have the plumbing inspected. It'll help you make informed decisions and avoid any last-minute surprises!

Upgraded Drains: Drains in the home can be upgraded to look better and function more efficiently. Plumbers will check for leaks, either behind or under your bathtubs or sinks; they'll also inspect older-style drains that may be prone to overflow.

Clogs: Clogged drains can increase your risk of flooding and damage to your pipes. A clogged or damaged line can also lead to backflow, which is a severe risk to your health and the health of your family. Backflow prevention is also required for the safety of your plumbing.

If you're planning a bathroom renovation, now is the time to schedule an inspection!

3. Order a Water Usage Inspection

There's no doubt that Oklahoma can be a hot state – even in the fall. If you're at all concerned about the amount of water that your house uses, it's time for an inspection to see where improvements can be made.

You may even qualify for energy rebates from your local utility company for testing and installing new appliances or plumbing fixtures!

Your plumbing system is significant to your home, so it's essential that you're proactive about getting help when needed. Avoid the stress of an emergency by scheduling an inspection or repair now. You'll be glad that you did!

4. Check On Your Pipes

For both inside and outside the home, you never know you have a pipe issue until it's a plumbing emergency. One of the best investments you can make right now is to have your pipes checked for any potential leaks or damage.

Check around the exterior of your home for puddles on the ground or raised tree roots that you don't recognize. If there's cause for concern, a plumber can come out and inspect to see if any repairs are needed now before it becomes a bigger issue later.

Inside the home, check for any signs of water damage or soft spots on the floor. If you notice anything suspicious, get it checked out right away to avoid further damage!

5. Capital Improvements/Gains Can Save You on Energy Costs

Many homeowners don't realize that they can consider their capital improvements when calculating how much their monthly energy bill will be.

If you've made renovations or additions to your home, now is the time to calculate if any of those upgrades could help you save on your heating and cooling costs. Taking this into consideration at tax time could add up to some excellent savings.

Similarly, if you're thinking of selling your home in the next couple of years, it's time to start planning for that now. Getting a head start on energy efficiency improvements and other upgrades can help with potential buyer appeal and the overall value of your house when it comes time to sell in the future.

At BL3 Plumbing, we provide a variety of services that will help you maintain your investment and improve the value of your home.

Buyers are looking for energy-efficient homes these days, so even minor improvements can make a real difference in saleability! If you're planning to sell in the next few years, it's an excellent time to be proactive about improving the appeal of your home.

6. Tune-Up Your Drainage System

In addition to ensuring your sink, shower, and toilet are working correctly, you mustn’t forget about your drainage system. If water isn't moving out of the home as fast as it should be, you could face high water bills or flooding if left unattended!

Drainage tiles and underground pipes can become clogged with sediment or roots from trees or bushes that have grown above ground. Other times, the pipes can get cracked or weaken over time and need to be replaced.

You can use a garden hose to flush out your drainage system from below the soil’s surface or call a professional plumber for help with more extensive repairs that require digging up parts of your lawn.

If you have a septic tank, it also needs to be maintained regularly. Your septic tank should be pumped at least once per year to help avoid clogs and overflows. If you’re concerned at all about your drainage system, get it inspected right away before it becomes a bigger problem!

Don't Wait Until Spring. Call BL3 Now.

The Autumn season is the perfect time to schedule proactive plumbing services that can help you avoid an expensive plumbing emergency in the future. However, it is easy to let your home repairs and inspections fall to the back-burner as kids head back to school and fall activities go into high gear.

Across Oklahoma City and the surrounding region, homeowners know that BL3 Plumbing has the knowledge and experience needed to provide quality services. Our team of experienced and licensed professionals has the expertise to handle everything from leaky pipes and clogged drains to new piping installation.

Our philosophy is that when it comes to your home, the best option is always prevention – not repair! However, if you do find yourself with a plumbing emergency, we’ll be here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We're committed to providing honest and professional service, with a focus on customer satisfaction every step of the way! From honest and transparent guidance on your plumbing to updates on how you can save with energy-efficient systems, our team of experts is ready when you need them.

Schedule an appointment now to take advantage of our competitive rates, convenient payment plans, friendly staff, and commitment to excellence. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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